Advanced Renewable Fuels Producer
Pinnacle provides a broad range of services to an advanced renewable fuels producer as they develop production sites to meet the market demands for low carbon fuels. As part of their site selection team, Pinnacle was brought in early as a project partner to help evaluate potential production sites. From development of concept site layouts, hydrology and water resource evaluations, natural resources evaluations (floodplains, wetlands, threatened and endangered species), cultural and historical reviews, carbon sequestration options, and defining the environmental regulatory hurdles and permitting timeframes, Pinnacle’s subject matter experts were relied upon during the site evaluation stages. When potential production sites where chosen, Pinnacle’s team prepared all necessary environmental permit applications (air, water, wastewater) in an accurate and timely manner, and continued to work diligently with the state agencies to get the permits issued in a timely manner. Pinnacle also completed environmental reviews for the projects in anticipation of required NEPA reviews through the DOE. As a trusted advisor in environmental matters, Pinnacle’s experts provided timely feedback to the client on a broad range of environmental topics such that potential sites could be truthfully vetted and production sites could be accurately permitted in a timely manner.