SW Missouri RCRA Corrective Action Site
Pinnacle staff have provided hydrogeological and engineering services for over 25 years on this complex contaminated site. Historic chemical storage, handling and material manufacturing impacted soil and groundwater, and groundwater downgradient by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-VOCs, metals, light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs), and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). The site’s complex geologic and hydrogeological conditions feature three distinct groundwater units across the upper 350 feet of bedrock systems. The Site’s Conceptual Site Model (CSM) required evaluation of inorganic groundwater geochemistry, monitoring well hydrographs, potentiometric surface maps, hydraulic cross-sections, well logs, dye traces, aquifer testing data, chemicals of concern and flow characteristics, fracture and photolinear mapping, and videologging. This led to implementing an aggressive soil and groundwater remediation, evolving from a hydraulic containment and multiphase extraction to innovative in-situ bioremediation enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) injection programs.